Project Title: To promote kitchen gardening for safe and sustainable food production
Total Budget: 51,470$
Period of Performance: March 2021 – Sep 2021
Location: PD#13, Kabul
Role of Organization:
1: Selection of adolescent girl and child bearing women and beneficiaries.
2: Training curriculum development.
3: Conduction of TOT
4: Training Manual development
4: Delivery of Training
6: Establishment of two greenhouses
7: Establishment of 150 kitchen gardens
8: Provision of vegetable kits
9: Hygiene and nutrition awareness for prevention about covid-
19 pandemic
Project Objectives: To Improve the quality of nutritious food of 150 household in PD#13 Kabul through kitchen garden and awareness rising
Project Results: Target beneficiaries have been strengthen and nutritious food have been available for them in their homes
Funding source and contact information:
- Funding Source: WHH (Welt Hunger helfe)
- Name & Position: Hussain Saeedi/Regional Manager
- Email: