Project Title: Kitchen Garden Training, Agriculture Inputs & Toolkit Distribution
Total Budget: 12155$
Period of Performance: June 2023 – July 2023
Location: Kabul-Estalif District
Role of Organization: The HOSAA project implementation team selected adolescent girls, childbearing women, lactating women, and women for the proposed intervention, but HOSAA considered the safety and security of its staff and women for the proposed intervention.
Project Objectives: Establishment of 180 kitchen gardens, 180 selected beneficiaries for the most vulnerable people. Provision of vegetable kit.
Project Results: The proposed intervention will assist adolescent girls &180 families become food secure.
Funding source and contact information:
- Funding Source: Roots of Peace-AMP
- Name & Position: Fawadullah Akhunzada/Project focal point
- Email:
- Tel: +93-781-292-625